Welcome to the lunch on-line system. This application is meant to facilitate the ordering and management of school lunch orders for both parents and the Mamquam Elementary PAC.Follow us on the Mamquam Parent Advisory Group Facebook page to keep up to date with the events.
Important Notice - each year parents need to set up an account
***** At the end of every school year the ordering system is reset as some parents may forget or lose their account information, students leave the school and the biggest reason is that we are not permitted to keep data for parents or students who have left the school. *****
TO SET UP an account please follow these instructions.
Go to mamquam.hotlunches.net
Click on “Click here to Register”
Complete the rest of the registration form (make sure you fill out ALL the information).
Click “Register Now” button
Follow instructions on adding each child that attends the school
Once your child(ren) are registered, click on the “Orders” tab
Proceed to order fun lunches for your child(ren)
**Please register one time only. In case userID/password is forgotten, please email mamquampac5@gmail.com to reset them.
If anyone does not have a visa or debit visa but still wants to order, please email abrewsky@hotmail.comfor other arrangements. You can also sign in as a paypal guest if you do not have a paypal account.
Please feel free to contact us with any suggestions or problems you have with the system.
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